A species named “Things”

Sometimes you just don’t want to be anyone. So you decide to be “you”
A body with a soul, raw, untouched. 
I know it's difficult, but it's not impossible. 

I have this fear of losing things, and I get mad when I am not able to find it. Not because “I” own them, but “they” own me. And I feel as if they would be searching for me, because they too have fear of losing me. 

When I say things, I literally mean only things. (I am not mentioning people here so don’t try to relate it with losing people)
When I say things what I mean is, my pen’s cap, my leaf book marks, rough pages, rings, scrunchies, beads, shirt buttons, spoons, pencil, nail paint bottles, safety pins, toothbrush, paintbrushes, earphones, charger, comb, polaroids, dried flowers, amazon boxes, dried fruit peels, freetime 2 inch sketches, and the list goes on and on.  
I try to keep them safe. The thing is when you can't adjust with homosapiens, you choose an entirely different species. The fact is, they choose you, these things are kind! These beings are kind! 

The people who choose to keep these things with them for a really long time, are often targeted and labelled as oldies and boring, or “difficult to move on” people. 
But you know what, it is never about moving on and using fancy things just to be in the race. It is about “you” being “you”, raw, organic, untouched(by labels)! 

You see, it was never about moving on, it was just to stay true to what all you have, even though these things don’t breathe, but they own you, and you owe them a lot. So next time be kind and careful, even if you lose an eraser, don’t just buy a new one, try to search for it. 
These things also fear losing you.
Your lost eraser is searching you too! 
Shruti Sawant. 


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